Raw Papaya Recipes For Beginners & Raw Papaya juice ?

 Raw Papaya recipes for beginners. Raw papaya has an ingredient called, “Papain”. Papain decreases estrogen levels and also releases two more enzymes, “ oxytocin and prostaglandin” which are used synthetically to induce labor among women.

Papain is found in higher concentrations in unripe papaya and semi ripe papaya.


Eating unripe and semi ripe papaya can cause the uterus wall to develop and endometrial lining which can trigger the body to miscarry the baby. It can also cause birth defects thus causing the body to miscarry the baby. The heat generated within the uterus when a raw papaya is consumed can make the process of pregnancy stagnate and will not allow the fetus to develop.

This process however is said to have only worked for about 30% of the lab rats it was tested on.

Thus it is incredibly important to remember, should you not miscarry, you could be causing birth defects to your baby and you could go into labor earlier than full term.

It also can cause people with blood clotting disorders to bleed.

Raw papaya recipes for beginners :


The problem with raw papaya is that not many people know how to cook it. Here are a few delicious raw papaya recipes that are also easy to cook.

Papaya Juice, 2 Ways :

Papaya Juice, 2 Ways

Blitz½ a raw papaya, 1 cucumber and 1 beetroot. Add a dash of lemon, season with salt and pepper and sip. It's a perfect mid-morning drink.

Blend raw papaya with a pinch of cardamom and salt and squeeze some lemon juice in it. Top with some sabja seeds that have been soaked for 2 hours and serve.

Raw Papaya Paratha :

Raw Papaya Paratha

Grate and mix 1 raw papaya and radish. Season the mixture with spices of your choice, like red chilli powder and ajwain. Stuff this mixture in a whole wheat paratha. Cook on both sides, smear some ghee on top and serve. Pair with a grated carrot raita.

Roti Roll-Up :

Roti Roll - up

Spread a thick layer of spicy hummus on a roti and then roll it up with sliced, cold tandoori chicken (or sliced avocado) and slivers of cucumber, green chilli and raw papaya before serving.

Raw Papaya and Dal Sandwich 🥪:

Raw Papaya and Dal Sandwich 🥪:

Take 2 slices of rye bread, spread thick, puréed dal (leftover dal cooked down on high heat can also work) on both slices. Top it with sliced tomatoes, boiled eggs, sliced boiled potatoes, lots of grated raw papaya and enjoy!

Raw Papaya Kachumbar :

Raw Papaya Kachumbar

Mix slivers of raw papaya, carrots, green chillies and cucumber in equal quantities. Add some roasted, crushed peanuts, roasted melon seeds, salt and red chilli flakes to taste. Pour a dressing of olive oil, brown sugar, lemon juice and garlic over it and serve.

Fruit and Papaya Salad 🥗 :

Fruit and Papaya Salad 🥗

In a large bowl, mix chopped pears or kiwis or apples (or a mix of these fruits), diced yellow and red bell peppers and slivered raw papaya. To make the dressing, mix lemon juice and zest, vinegar, sugar, coriander leaves, cumin powder and cinnamon powder. Pour gently over the salad. Chill and eat.

Raw Papaya Salad 🥗 :

Raw Papaya Salad 🥗

Peel raw papaya and scrape out its seeds. Using a peeler, make thin, ribbon-like strips and place them a large bowl. Add chopped spring onions, fresh basil leaves and some coriander leaves. Whisk together olive oil, lime juice, honey and chilli flakes and drizzle this dressing over the salad. Finally, add peanuts and a handful of sprouts and toss. Chill and serve.

Som Tam Salad 🥗 :

Som Tam Salad

Coarsely pound a few cloves of garlic, 2 red chillies, a few runner beans and cherry tomatoes together. Add 150 gm raw papaya and a few peanuts to this mixture and pound it again. Drizzle a dressing made by whisking together 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp jaggery syrup and 1 tsp lemon juice on the salad. Garnish with some crushed peanuts and serve.

Quick Papaya Stir-Fry :

Quick Papaya Stir-Fry

Temper a pinch of methi and mustard seeds, a few curry leaves, 2 dry red chillies, sliced green chillies and a pinch of turmeric in 1 tbsp heated coconut oil. Sauté grated papaya in this mixture on sim for about 8-10 minutes, till it's cooked. Sprinkle salt to taste and 1 tbsp grated fresh or desiccated coconut on top, mix well and dig in.


There's a ton of information out there on the health benefits of papaya, and lots of people eat it for just these benefits. In terms of taste, it is an easily likeable fruit. However, not many know about the benefits of eating raw papaya, which is one of the most nutrient packed and versatile foods.


Eating raw papayas has immense benefits. Some of them have been listed below.

Raw papaya is a powerhouse of natural enzymes (a lot more than ripe papaya). The two power-packed enzymes in raw papaya are chymopapain and papain, which help breakdown protein, fats and carbohydrates.

It helps promote digestive health and effectively cleanses our gut.

It contains exceptional amounts of carotenoids (vitamin A), far more than carrots and tomatoes. The carotenoids found in raw papaya are more bioavailable (better absorbed). They are great for our eye health, skin health and immunity.

  • Nutritional Values of Raw Papaya 

Nutritional Values of Raw papaya

It also helps reduce blood glucose levels by aiding the regeneration of beta cells and increasing insulin synthesis. So, it is a great food for diabetics.


 ( About Raw Papaya Recipes )


Amit , popularly known as Chef , has always loved raw papaya. 'Most Bengali backyard gardens have at least 5 trees, out of which mango and papaya are the most common. Our garden was small, so there was no space for a mango tree but we definitely had a papaya tree. So, raw papaya was very much a part of my diet growing up. As a child, I would get excited to see the buds, followed by the flower and finally the fruit. We obviously cooked a lot with it too. 'I don't think any other community cooks mutton or chicken with papaya. However, Bengalis constantly innovate with raw papaya. My mother's raw papaya chutney, which we used to call plastic chutney, is something that really connects me to my childhood.

'To make it, thin slices of raw papaya are cooked in sugar on low flame for a long time and it is called plastic because raw papaya becomes translucent or almost transparent once cooked. It was also used as pepe raj chope chul-a diet for someone with upset stomach. So, I started associating it with being sick, and, at some point, started detesting it and stopped eating it for a long time,' he recalled.

Much later in his career, Chef Amit suddenly landed up in Thailand and realized that raw papaya has many varieties and there are myriad ways to use and cook it: 'I remember I saw this lady on the street pounding a whole lot of spices, chillies, nuts, dried shrimp and finely shredded raw papaya in her cart-it looked beautiful. After that trip, I saw raw papaya with new eyes. In Bengal, I had never eaten raw papaya with peanuts and just fell in love with this combination. In fact, since my trip, Som Tam has been my most loved salad, Chef Saby shared. Since then, he has used raw papaya in various forms to make fruit confit or shredded salad. 'I also use raw papaya in my restaurants as a tenderizer for cooking red meat and lamb and as marination. Or I mix it in kebabs to make then more juicy. So, it has been a fairly long journey for me with raw papaya from the time when I used to look down upon it to simply loving it and using it at every opportunity now. I think the only place in Delhi where you find good quality raw papaya even today is Chittaranjan Park because of the love Bengalis have for raw papaya," he added.

The Conclusion about Raw papaya recipes and some benifits .Papain is found in higher concentrations in unripe papaya and semi ripe papaya.


Eating unripe and semi ripe papaya can cause the uterus wall to develop and endometrial lining which can trigger the body to miscarry the baby. It can also cause birth defects thus causing the body to miscarry the baby. The heat generated within the uterus when a raw papaya is consumed can make the process of pregnancy stagnate and will not allow the fetus to develop.

It also can cause people with blood clotting disorders to bleed.

(Frequently asked questions about Papaya ?....👇⬇️ )


Q) 1. What is papaya ?

Ans: Papaya is a tropical fruit that's known for its juicy and sweet flavour. 

Q) 2. What are the health benefits of papaya ?

Ans: It contains exceptional amounts of carotenoids (vitamin A), far more than carrots and tomatoes. The carotenoids found in raw papaya are more bioavailable (better absorbed). They are great for our eye health, skin health and immunity.

Q) 3. What is papaya seeds ?

Ans: Papaya seeds are small and black found in the centre of the papaya fruit .

Q) 4. How can raw papaya be used for marination?

Ans: Papaya can be green or ripen. First wash papaya and then cut it into equal halves. Remove all of the seeds from the center. Chop and place it in a blender or small spice grinder and blend until smooth. You will probably need to add a drop of water or oil to assist with the blending. Now smooth paste is ready. Then take meat, apply papaya paste according to the quantity of meat.

Q) 5. Is raw papaya beneficial for our health?

Ans: Yes, Raw papaya is beneficial for our health.Raw papaya It's a good source of several vitamins and minerals, and is specially rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, .

Q) 6. What are the ways in which raw papaya can be used?

Ans: Here are some of ways in which raw papaya can be used. -

  • Raw papaya salad.
  • Raw papaya chutney.
  • Raw papaya soup.
  • Raw papaya kebab.
  • Raw papaya murabba.
  • Raw papaya kofta curry.
  • Stuffed green papaya parantha.
  • Green papaya kheer.
  • Raw papaya halwa.
  • Masoor dal with Raw papaya.

Q) 7. Is raw papaya good food for babies?

Ans: Papaya, like pineapple, contains powerful enzymes that digest protein. An adult eating quantities of either will experience soreness in the mouth due to the presence of these proteins attacking their tissues.

Q) 8. How regularly can you eat raw papaya to get rid of an early pregnancy?

Ans: Papaya does NOT help you “get rid of” pregnancy, no matter how regularly you eat it. And it doesn’t matter whether it is raw or ripe either. Please don't trust people who tell you that papaya helps !

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